Foreclosure and Loss Mitigation

Your home is often the largest asset you will own during your lifetime. The thought of losing your home to foreclosure is not only stressful, but can also be financially crippling. The attorneys at Murphy, Schisano & Rosado have spent decades assisting Hudson Valley homeowners navigate the challenges of facing foreclosure. Consulting with one of our foreclosure defense attorneys can provide valuable guidance and support to homeowners in exploring their options, understanding their rights, and potentially save their homes and their credit.

Homeowners should be aware of their rights and options when facing foreclosure. It is important to know that there are legal protections in place and that assistance is available. Homeowners may be eligible for government assistance programs, such as loan modification or refinancing programs, which can help avoid foreclosure. Our attorneys will help you understand your rights and explore potential defenses or alternatives to foreclosure, such as loan modifications or short sales.

Additionally, homeowners should be cautious of foreclosure rescue scams. These scams often target vulnerable homeowners with promises of saving their homes but end up taking advantage of their desperate situation. Homeowners should be wary of anyone asking for upfront fees or pressuring them into signing documents without fully understanding them.

In some cases, foreclosure may be unavoidable. However, homeowners should still seek legal advice to ensure they are informed and protected throughout the process. It is crucial to act quickly and reach out to professionals who can provide guidance and support during these difficult times.